Pubail retreat is an interesting fishing village located around a private Institution dedicated to exchange Ideas and Contemporary
Thought globally. Located 25 kilometer from Gulshan, it can be reached by car in 50 minutes by taking Tongi Kaligonj
road, turning left at the rail crossing opposite Pubail College.
Boat can be arranged from Tongi or Gulshan to take
as close as possible depending on water level. Special community security arrangement exists from Tongi till the
premise who will guide you right from Gulshan, Baridhara or Uttara You can stay the whole day or 2, 3 days even
on Hartal days,Week end and holidays.
Institution is financed by a small local fishing village located around the Institute.
Only Contributions gladly accepted, are interesting books published or revised during last year,
maximum 6 months old journal, very recent research paper and toady’s thought and tomorrow’s dream.
For its sustenance it organizes tours for the expatriate community in Bangladesh.